Friday, August 2, 2019

Challenge #1: Truth

Ok, I haven't posted in a while and I'm so sorry!!  Summer is ending, school starts Monday, and I'm going a little crazy!  I've been doing a lot of babysitting for neighbors and I'm introverted and just want to sleep/hide/read till school starts.  Not happening, but that's ok!

So, I don't really have a topic today, but I do have a challenge for you heading into this next school year.

Find three quotes, bible verses or song lyrics that you know are true.
Write them down on index cards, and carry them around in your pencil case 
for the rest of the semester.

Ya, that's it.  But here's why:

I don't care what you look like, you're beautiful.  
I don't care about you're GPA, you're smart.  
I don't believe you when you say you're not talented, you're gifted.

I went through one of the most depressing, confidence-shattering three weeks in seventh grade.  (Ok, too be fair, part of it was hormone-poisoning.  Stupid puberty)  But seriously, I let other people run me into the ground, and I helped them in the process too.  
Then this last year I was helping out a friend, and started writing down bible verses that caught my eye down on index cards.  (Now I have over twenty cards on a ring, and most of them have more than one verse on them)  When I was upset, I've learned to read them all through.  By the time I'm done, the truth is shining in my face, causing all my problems to scurry away like the cowards they are.  Only when I set that truth aside do they come back and rear their ugly, despicable heads again.  

Surround yourself with truth.  Write it in dry-erase or lipstick on your mirror.  Illustrate it and tape it to your wall.  Stick it in your locker.  (For those of you with lockers.  I know you home-schoolers are rolling your eyes right now.  But hey, if that's what it takes, who cares?)  Glue it into the front cover of your notebooks.  Use packing tape to "laminate" it onto your bathroom wall.  Keep it in the pocket of your shorts/pants/skirt.  Or your purse.  Or your backpack.  

Girly, the truth is so important.  I can't stress that enough.  Song lyrics, bible verses, and random quotes from the internet have helped me so many times I can't even begin to write them all down.  Reminding yourself of all the things that are true is freeing.  Which, by the way, is biblical.  After all, we're supposed to fasten on the belt of truth!  So, do me a favor, and try this out.

"For you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."  ~John 8:32



  1. Just felt I should mention now, I am online-schooled. So, most things puts me in the home-school category, but not many homeschoolers are open to accepting us on-liners in their group. We are just outsiders to both groups- Christian and private schools do not even accept us. We are just odd, weird, and out there. :P

    1. Ya, they really are two separate camps, huh? But hey, I like odd, weird and out there, so you're ok here! (Online school really doesn't work for my family cause our internet isn't consistent, but I'm glad it works for you!)
      As for me, I don't care where or how you got your education really, and most of my homeschooler you could probably relate to too! (i.e., online schoolers don't have lockers either!) But thanks for pointing out the other option!
