Sunday, September 1, 2019

On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand . . .

A month or so ago, I was talking to my fearless mentor, and she asked me a question I hope to never hear again.

"Ali, is your identity in Christ, or in being an MK?"

This question hit like a ton of bricks and about knocked my socks off.  Or, well, flip-flops, anyway. :P
She went on to explain why she was worried about me and said she was praying.

When I got home, her question kept playing over and over in my mind.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized she was right.  My identity hadn't been is Christ.  Not really.  It was in my label of "MK from some West African country somewhere".  That rock was so easily shaken.

As a direct result of that conversation, I rededicated myself to God, placing myself firmly on his rock, and ended up getting baptized a few weeks later.  Which actually rocked a few of my friend's worlds, because they'd been convinced I was baptized all ready.

I haven't thanked my wonderful mentor for asking me such a difficult question.  I really need to.  She was amazing.*
And now to turn the tables on you:
Where is your identity?  Are you, like me, standing on the unstable stone of your awesome MK-ness?  Or maybe your standing on being an athlete.  Or a good student, or even a class clown.  (For those not homeschooled, that is!)  Are you standing firmly where you should be, on Christ?

I know not everyone will have an identity crisis about these questions.  But seriously, please check yourself out on this.  Examine yourself.  It will be worth it, I promise.

For anyone struggling with identity, I promise you are not alone.  I lose sight of mine regularly, and just give up fighting for my worth.  Which is so the wrong way to go.

I know that I may not know you personally.  I don't know what your opinion on the whole "go barefoot or don't go barefoot" issue is.  I don't know what you struggle with the most.*  However, I do know this.

  • You are beloved.  (Deuteronomy 33:12)
  • You are precious.  (Isaiah 43:4)
  • You are enough.  (Psalm 139:14)
  • You are never, ever alone.  (Isaiah 43:2)
  • You are the daughter of an almighty God and King (Romans 8:14-15)

Believe me in this, if you are standing on Christ, you are hugely blessed.  Because girlie, all those girls who don't have God as their father don't get to enjoy all of His love like you do.  He is my Good, Excellent Father.  Is he yours?


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