Monday, September 30, 2019

New Story: Goats

So, I feel like we haven't had either a story or a post in awhile and I'm sorry about that.  Cause stories are by far the best.  I could read a good book for hours.  Literally.  Or listen and tell stories with my other village MK friends for hours.  (I mean, don't get me wrong the city MKs have good stories too, they're just a different genre)
All that to say, I have a story that I find pretty humorous for you guys.
It all started last year when my friends at our village church and I were informed of a youth prayer retreat in the next village over.  Our church hand't been super involved in the convention activities, so we thought whoever should go.  Me and a girl (who was visiting our family but still considered a youth) named Carrie decided that we would go.  It was a Saturday, we had nothing else going on, and they told us to bring taxi money, so we were like, why not?
We left the house at 7:30 and waited for almost an hour before the last member of our youth group showed up.  Everyone else had come in the first ten minutes, but she took forever.  (I know, shocking!  We were punctual people, we youths)  Anyway, the people we were going with somehow had missed the memo, and we set out trekking for this town none of us had been to, called Mba.
It was great, we left town, singing and chatting the entire way, and then about I dunno, a third of the way there, we were misdirected by an old pa.  When we were finally on our way again, we were able to catch a ride with a guy taking his goats to market.  (Actually, they may have been sheep?)  The goats were in the back of one of the bush vans, and we sat on the front bench behind the driver.  Carrie, (who's pretty tall) and the brother who had gone with us rode in front with the driver, while the other five of us squished in the back.  It was awesome.  The goats bleated every time we went over a bump and we could not stop laughing.
We ended up going a little far through the village, so after we payed the guy, we had to walk back through Mba to get to the church.  Once we were there, the program didn't start for another thirty minutes or so.  Which, to be honest, is pretty typical.  When it did start, we didn't actually go into the church.  We climbed the mountain behind it and had our service on top.  It was very cool.  It was also very windy, and I got a little burnt.
After the service, we came down off the mountain, and ate a few bananas and the popcorn my mom sent with me and Carrie. Our fellow youth tried to convince us to get on a moto with a guy, so we wouldn't have to walk all the way back.  My mom would have killed us for riding a moto without helmets, so we declined.  (she's seen too many aftermaths of motorcycle accidents)
We were outpaced by a blind giant and his friends, but we were probably somewhere between a third of the way there and half of the way there when we were able to catch a taxi.  I think it was a little overpriced, because there were two white girls involved, but Carrie and I had the money,so we took it anyway.
It was a really great trip, that none of us regret. We all actually refer to it regularly.
The funniest part, in my opinion, was that when we got home, we were dropped at the hospital below our house.  It was a three-flight of stairs climb to get up to our house.  Carrie and I just looked at each other and laughed.  No rest for the weary!


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