However, for the rest of us, (me included) I'm issuing a new challenge.
Pray for someone you don't get along with every day for the next month.
Basically, what I'm saying is from February 5-March 5 (it's a leap-year so the time is closer to a normal month even) pray for that girl, guy, friend, enemy, sibling, teacher, relative, etc. who get's on your nerves.
Y'all prayer is so so powerful. I've seen it work miracles. Lately, too. Prayer that the power will come back for us at a retreat. (It did, which was pretty amazing) Prayer for focus. Prayer for knowledge and kindness. Prayer for calm and peace.
I want to encourage you, just because your prayer isn't answered immediately, that doesn't mean God isn't listening. He could be waiting, or his answer could just be having trouble arriving. (see the book of Daniel for evidence of this if your curious)
We're commanded to pray. It's as simple as that. Prayer is our weapon, along with God's word and worship. It's so incredibly powerful, girlie.
So, pray!
“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." -Luke 6:27-28
Five years ago; crazy, huh?